CELEASCO Tree Planting Activity in La Mesa Watershed

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“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”


CELEASCO is one in promoting a more sustainable and green living future. As an electric supply company, we believe it is our core responsibility to take part in activities that help, protect, and restore our environment.

Last May 6, 2022, as part of our company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – CELEASCO partnered with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Philippine Port Authority (PPA) in a tree planting activity held at La Mesa Watershed.

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In photo: Employees from different departments of CELEASCO are all set and ready for the tree planting activity.

La Mesa Watershed serves as the carbon dioxide sink of Metro Manila and it is also one of the significant sources of water in several areas of Metro Manila which supplies water to almost 12 million residents. The La Mesa Watershed is inside Le Mesa Nature Reserve, which is the last remaining forest in Metro Manila. Hence, it is vital that we all take part in preserving this natural reserve for future generations.

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CELEASCO employees planted seedlings and are expected to reach their full maturity after 25 years, the same year that CELEASCO with celebrating its 100th year anniversary. These trees will serve as a symbol of CELEASCO’s strength and adaptability over the years.

Planting trees helps reduce global warming and its effects. It releases the sulfur compound that can reduce the atmospheric warming led by greenhouse gases. Trees also aid in increasing groundwater levels, counteract soil erosion, and impact the asphalted roads. Overall, planting a tree contributes to a large degree to the entire ecosystem.

Let’s save mother nature while we still can. Small acts can make a big difference.




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